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Awesome! I'm heading over to create a one-sheet for my spec right now. By the way, congrats on the Scr(i)pt interview. Just discovered it over on their site.


Warren: thanks, and congrats in advance to you on your own FM107 interview debut -- break a brad, dude.


That Larry Doyle piece cracked me up. Now I'm off to get a movie poster!


I'm envisioning Scarlett Jo but not her vocal mannerisms.

Actually, the idea of putting the trailer together in my head did just - really right when I was reading you post - give me an answer to a road block in GEP.

Yo, Dude! Thanks.


I do not live in a fantasy world! Billy, do you see those two sheep in my driveway?


Are you messing with me, Billy? I lived in Boise, Idaho for about four years, '93 - '97. And it was there that I got an idea for an epic fantasy novel, that really got me into writing.

What's my novel like, well... think, "Lord of the Rings" with 10 times the character devolpement, and not such a heavy emphasis on creating a new mythology. It begins with a dragon fight, it ends with a dragon fight, and inbetween it has 3 love stories. Sound interesting...

Getting back to my novel is a major goal of mine. I'd like to sell a couple specs so I can finished editing it, and adapt it into a 2 part movie.

Thanks for the advice about movie posters too. That sounds like something to do before then next Screenwriting Expo.

- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA

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