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« Romancing the Settlement | Main | Failure's Success »



Bravo, Billy. That's my favorite "Clouds" post so far. To be touched by true greatness (and grace) happens so rarely, if at all. I never knew the Sondheim part of your musical theatre odyssey; what a treat!


So descriptive a post--I felt it and saw it, so a movie scene--yes, there is no other equal to Sondheim, and what a golden ring to have your work acknowledged in such a personal way by such a master. Was that not the musical about aged rockers in a home? Never too late to revive this concept -- Mick's gotta stop touring sometime!


That's a nice story.


Holy crap. I have tears and butterflies. Seriously, Billy. Holy crap. I have to go blow my nose.


Binnie: thanks -- it was a treat for me when it happened.

Abby of the Prodigious Memory: yup, that was the one, and yup, said musical has morphed into an outline for a novel or nonmusical movie, which will hopefully emerge, in one medium or another, before I hit the old age home myself.

JJ & MaryAn: Gracias, we aim to please (and/or make you blow your nose).


Great story! And speaks to the celebrity-whore in me.

Scott the Reader

Good story.

He has a nice little cameo in "Camp", too.


Glassblowerscat: And I think your celebrity-whore speaks for all of us...

Thanks, Scott -- is "Camp" worth seeing?


"Camp" is a hoot, and your pal Tony Conniff plays in the band and is onscreen quite a bit.


Proprientry Man, you handled your crash critique like a true pro, given the circumstances. I'm glad that encouter had such a positive impact on your life.

And dude I'm totally blow away that you wrote a whole play and its musical accompanyment. THAT takes talent.

I've known failure too. A few years back I drafted up a Christian dance ministry, and though I had a well thought out idea, but it got uncemoniously ignored by the people I presented it to. No Steven Soldheilm story here, though later I did use that experiece to enrich a different creative endeavor...

E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA

Scott the Reader

Camp has a couple of wooden-actor moments and slow spots, but the musical numbers are great, and overall it's very likable.


So I took another look at this thinking it wouldn't give me nervous butterflies the second time around. Then there was that one word "validation". Damn, gotta blow my nose again.

Sam Wasson

Thank you, Billy. A Little Night Music remains my favorite. I wish someone would try to make a film of it again. Not Rob Marshall.

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