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Tres bien fait, vous deux!
(Belles photos, aussi.)
A bientot!



Absolutely perfect!


Tres bien fait! Your proposal was perfect!! I would have loved to been the waiter.


What's the Act II complication?

No, seriously, that's an inspiring and lovely story. Congratulations to you both!


Congratulations Billy and Tater!!! The Sultan of Swoon strikes again.
All the best for a happy life together.


Congrats, Billy!

Sounds like it was scripted.

Did you try the chocolate in Lyon?

I'll share the news with Denise.




I would have loved for her to pull out a ring for you at the exact same time. But that's just my notes, you don't have to do anything with them. ;-)



Bocusean Rhapsody indeed! Hearty congratulations to both of you...all the best, Mike

E.C. Henry

Great job pulling off that Kodiac moment, Billy. And you wrote it well too. End a romantic post on a high note. I kinda like that...

To go through France with a woman you love, you're a blessed man, Billy. Not many people get to experience the highs you do. I'm painfully single, but I can STILL appreciate reading about the guy who wrote the book on romance, living and experiencing one of his own.

- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA

Judith Duncan

Once Upon a Time in the city of Love and Light,two hearts beat as one....

Congratulations Billy.


Joanna Farnsworth

Well done, you two! Well written, Billy. Now that's a love story ending deserving of a place on the big screen...


Mazel Tov! This is the ending I was hoping for.


How wonderful for the two of you - I felt this coming down the pike since the Burning Man posts. Great denoument. Very impressed by your patience and faith, Billy, in holding out for ...just...the...right.... moment. What a pay-off!

thanks for sharing and keeping hope alive for those of us, up to our knees in the sands of time, who may tend towards cynicism re: the likelihood of ever hooking up again with our heart's mate. C'est possible.....


So, I gotta ask, are you two going to keep living in separate units after you marry? You're actually living my ideal situation. I know I'm tough to live with - neat to the point of being borderline OCD and needing lots of "space." I'm so tough to live with the longest anyone has lasted is... 7 weeks. (And two failed engagements - one where I gave the ring back.)

I've been thinking - if my next boyfriend moved next door instead of trying to move in, he just might be the one.


Merci, Binnie --

Thank you, Tammie --

Christina, if you HAD been the waiter, it would've turned things awfully meta-surreal...

Thanks, Ernest, I'm sure there'll be complications enough in the life ahead.

Thanks, Dave!

Brian, we had chocolate and some of the best food EVER in Lyon...

Thanks, Stephanie,

Good rewrite, Martine!

Thank you, ScriptCat,

EC, your day will come, I know it!

Thanks, Judith,

Thanks Joanna, though small screen's just fine for us --

Thank you, Bonnie!

Abby, it is absolutely possible!!!

Christina: Given the housing market, we'll stay right we are for now, thanks. And it's working very well, this way, so -- yeah, you might want to give it a shot!


First, and most importantly, congratulations and heartfelt wishes for your happiness. Second, you really expect us to believe that's you in that uber-long shot? Pfft.


AWWWWWW. Adorable. Congratulations Billy! All the best.


Congrats Billy!

just coming back from a Scottish wedding up in the Highlands near Balmoral- I guess life can be really romantic - and unpredictable in a touching way -wish you all the luck



Damn, MaryAn -- And I spent such a long time photo-shopping myself into it...!

Thank you, Scribe.

Kathrin: A Scottish highlands wedding sounds pretty darn real-life romantic to me!

Caroline F

Parfait! I'm delighted for you.


Have been away from your blog for too long and missed your splendid news! Very many congratulations! Your holiday sounds perfect, I hope your life together is full of all that joy and happiness you had in France. All the best!

Vintage Rings

It really sounds like a great adventure! congratulations mate, and also - well done about the photos!

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