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I'm not sure I've ever seen City Lights, but every single time I read about it, I think "I have GOT to see this film". Thanks for reminding me again!


I watched City Lights for the first time about two years ago and was surprised to find it was the first film I'd seen in a very long time that had me laughing out loud.

One of the things I noted when I reviewed it ( back then was that while there is no dialogue it isn't exactly silent. I thought the use of sound, while minimal, was quite clever (like the speeches at the statue unveiling).

I also thought (and still think) City Lights is a brilliant reminder that film is a visual medium and words aren't always necessary to tell a story.

Christian Howell

I think I'll definitely pick this up. I am really interested in film without dialog.

I did a test scene at another site where the idea was to have simple facial expressions and objects determine the underlying happenings.

Silent film is great because it shows you how emotion works in images. The appearance of the text afterward can be very powerful.

Some of the older horror films did this brilliantly.

E.C. Henry

Never seen any of Chaplin's movies, but I have seen a couple of "Laurel and Hardy's" and they do make me laugh.

Great job explaining how "City Lights" works, Billy. You really do that well. You might wanna try your hand at making a living evaluating film... Think you could work with Roger Ebert?

- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA

Frank  Conniff

James Agee called the final close-up in City Lights "The highest moment in movies." It's been many years since he wrote that line and many, many movies have been made since, but I think he may still be right.


Kristen, let me know what you think.

Bill: Nice review. The soundtrack really is eloquent, isn't it?

Christian: Lon Chaney's entire horror career was virtually silent, and probably more effective for it.

EC: As a comedy fan, you owe it to yourself to look into Chaplin and Keaton -- try "The Navigator," "The General" or "Sherlock, Jr."

Frank: Amen.


nice, definitely

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