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I've only seen one of those films, vicky christina barcelona which I loved completely. must amend netflix queue. x

E.C. Henry

Billy, even in a year when the romantic comedy genre is down, you mananage to forage enough to fill an awards show.

You AMAZE me.

Even your new topics are SOOOO today: "Best Rom-Com Stimulus Package," "Best Romatic Comedy Chemistry," "Best Bromantic Comedy," "Best Romantic Comedy (That Most People Don't Think is a Romantic Comedy)."

This year I have NO PROBLEM with your lists and winner. Heck, I'm amazed you found enough fodder to chose from to say there is even a competition.

The only two things E.C. has to add to this years Astas are as follows:

Best Romantic Comedy of 2008:
"Definately, Maybe"

Best Romantic Comedy Triangle of 2008:
Dwight Shrute/Angela Martin/Andy Benard from "The Office:" Some of the funniest stuff on TV right now, miss it at your own peril!

- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA


In the category of pretty good romantic comedy, I'd put Definitely, Maybe. And in the category of the chick from a movie I'd most like to meet in real life, Isla Fiscer (as April Hoffman) in the same movie. The character was great, and Isla was also great playing that character.


How does The Office manage to ALWAYS be completely and utterly human?

They've got the magic mixture. Whatever it is.


I second another commenter’s testament to your ability to spin (the silken-hued at any rate) out of a dross of a year, but with Vicky Schmicky Backmatova you go too far. You mistake the charm of the players for the worth of the play. I’ve a long, committed relationship to the Wood, and have often smiled upon him when others frowned (for which he thanked me not a whit), but he can often coast, and in VSB he is committedly carried along by cliché, particularly in the voice-over narration, in which the narrator strikes for the characters countless tired, arty and bohemian poses. Every situation and emotion – every enunciation about art – is characterized by bland generality because Allen hasn’t made the effort to invent individual characters, even within their type, who might have individual, idiosyncratic ideas about photography, painting, or whatever. In one of the hallmarks of an artist making bad art, he confuses his facility with worthwhile effort. The only authentic scene in the film is when Cruz reacts with deep (and unexpected) pain at Johansson’s dump job and Bardem (surprisingly) accommodates it with real, emotional wisdom. For that one moment, we had real people on the screen.

Otherwise, our condolences to you and the Tater about Molly. You know we know.


Simone: I think you'd like Wall-E...

EC: You're right about the Triangle Asta, and as you can see, I amended the post, after your comment and pjw's re: DEF MAYBE.

PJW: We heart Isla.

j: Yes, and if only they could bottle it...!

AJA: Well, that's what makes horse-racing (see Simone's comment above). I'm not at all a blind-deaf-dumb Allen devotee, myself, btw, but what can I tell you: I was thoroughly entertained by this one, largely due to the players, yes, which is what prompted my "Ensemble" pick. I'll just respectfully suggest that you're being a bit harsh on VICKI, which I honestly don't think of as "bad art." There are so many other ill-intentioned products out there that would more rightfully earn that label -- but let's just agree to disagree.

Meanwhile -- more importantly! -- thank you for the condolences. It's just awful. I hope your four-leggeds are thriving and healthy and enjoying the open road!

best romance movies

Vicky Cristina Barcelona had a great ensemble cast. But I miss Woody Allen's early slapstick work. But, that's just me.

free movie

It was very good post, i have seen most of the films and can say that they deserve to be mentioned here. I was surprised with the Wall-E entry but its truly romantic film.

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