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E.C. Henry

Great review, Billy. Your love for Tony Gilroy's work really shows.

Unfortunately, I'm not a big "spy"/"caper" movie guy. Usually it's the core story, the meat of the reason for the caper that I don't buy or enjoy watching for two hours.

STILL, I do love hearing you rave about a story you like. Hope someday one of those stories is mine.

- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA

Christian Howell

Good review. It does bring to light a specific issue with cinema. Did the chicken come first or the egg. Meaning did audiences want "frilly fare" or was it just provided and gotten used to. I'd go with the latter. John Milius just lameented how writing is just not as good as it used to be.
I agree. The problem is, I think, that people are writing scripts and not movies. There is a difference.
A script concentrates on spoon feeding, a movie is what it is. A script worries about plot points, but a movie worries about images.
A script wants to be loved, a movie wants to be respected.
I can admit that I have recently been really stirred up by the process.
I entered a contest with feedback, got the feedback - it was great but it sucked; whatever that means - adjusted it, got another reader with a TOTALLY different take. As a matter of fact I have yet to find two readers with the same opinion. But it makes it easier to say, "yeah right, write your own movie and then all that crap will be in it."

Sorry for the rant.


Billy! I still haven't seen Duplicity yet, but I just found out that His Girl Friday is on Hulu! Free His Girl Friday for everyone!

It's a classic so I thought you'd like to hear.


Actually Billy, I beg, no, demand to differ, I don't think the film was at all hard to follow. I wouldn't want to give the plot away, but a duplictitous couple got theirs *wink wink*.
I liked the twists. They made me smile. I even cracked a giggle once or twice. Too bad no one else in the theatre found it funny, even at the end. A bunch of sour pusses(the cats! please! the cats!) they were.

I also liked the romantic aspect of the film. It wasn't the trite fake, boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy wins girl and they all live happily ever after.
Instead it was firmly rooted in reality(despite the fantastically espionage type edge). Trust issues, committment question, what would u risk to be with me, plans for the future and the ultimate thing that I love, "you understand me"!
Isn't that really what love is? Being with that one person you both fancy physically, while getting your needs/wants met(both emotionally/intellectually and physically)?
That to me made the film worth watching.

You mentioned "Knowing". God, there really is a dearth of inspirational/spiritual films out there, isn't it?
I can't watch knowing, and no, it isn't due to a lack of faith. In fact my faith in God is beyond strong. I can't watch knowing, though it isn't due to a lack of trying. I tried. Twice.

This shlock(as you so aptly termed it) had the most "on the nose" dialogue I've heard in awhile. It had so many "I've seen this before" cliches, I forgot what film I was supposed to be watching. Example, the little girl being discovered in the dark cubby hole with bloody fingers, shuddering and whispering "make it stop. make it stop". sixth-sence, anyone?
Or when Cage tracked down the girl's adult daughter(yeah, I know, bad phrasing) and the daughter's reaction is "get away from me!". Why couldn't she reacted in a less cliched, more rational manner? Is she retarded? Also, why did he start out by lying and playing games(my kid meet your kid)? Why not get to the point?
Worst of all, it was the premise. The whole idea that disasters and death were some mathematical code for some American hero to figure out and go about stopping them was beyond ridiculous.(me being Jamaican always wonder why the hero is some white American dude-- but then these disasters only occur on American soil. go figure) How often have we seen this film. Seriously?

But it's making a killing(pardon the pun) at theatres, isn't it? The Godlessness of hollywood aparently isn't as wide reaching as they might've thought. Heck Mel Gibson coulda tell them that.


EC: Just keep at it...

Christian: Rants R us.

Chris: Thanks for the info! (Hope it's a good print, as the public domain HGF that was circulating in video days wasn't black and white, it was grey.)

JamminGirl: You're preaching to the choir with your take on "Duplicity." And re: "Knowing," thanks for taking the bullet -- now I'm Knowing I don't need to be seeing it.


I totally forgot this movie existed. I remember really wanting to see it but going with a buddy to watch "Knowing" instead. Like you mentioned, that flop owned the box office for long enough to keep me from seeing Clive Owen and Julia Roberts. I'm very glad I ran across your review. I'm already in the process of renting it :)

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