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It's strange that Screenwriting is seen as a young person's game.

The older you get, the wiser you're supposed to get. The more eloquent. While we're filling our pages with sh*t! and f*ck! and quips, the older generation is actually creating art -- because you CAN. Because you're old enough to know the difference between quips and dialogue. Because you've been there and done it and now seek something higher.

I totally respect the older generation...and hope you never stop creating what I, at my age, just can't.


"Anvil! The Story of Anvil" is a portrait of the artistic spirit that won't leave Eden. It's great that they didn't succeed in the way they wanted to when they started out (at age 14) because their innocence might have been wrecked along with their desire to BECOME successful. In the heart of artists good and bad is something naive and stubbornly hopeful, and Lips and Robbo, they're simple children, man, they never grew up. Something wonderful's gonna happen! Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it?

E.C. Henry

Thanks for the review of the "Anvil" movie. It is playing up here in Seattle, but had you not spoken out about it I would have dismissed it. I went through my heavy metal phase. Glad I survived it with MOST of my brain cells intact.

Billy, sorry to hear that your own music aspritation didn't go as high as you would have liked. BUT at least you got produced. You've had a lot of success in life: records AND books produced, movies you've consulted on, and with all your teaching you MUST have had at least one BRILLIANT protedgy out there...

I can SO RELATE to "Anvil's" longsuffering for "big" recognition. There have been times in my life when I thought I was on the precipice of something good happening, only to be disappointed time-and-time again. Now I just go through life in varrious stages of defeat; knowing that nothing I do is going to make any difference in my current plight: no stunts I pull, no matter how hard I try, nothing is ever gonna work. The world is just too full of meanie-weanies.

Luckily, the magic of writing isn't dependent on someone elses callous opinion. It's in my mind. It's in my heart. Places where mean people aren't allowed to go.

So I'm gonna rock-on -- just like Anvil!

- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA


I haven't seen Anvil! yet, but now I certainly will. It sounds all too similar to another brillant documentary about refusing to give up the dream: American Movie.

I couldn't decide whether to laugh, empathize, or feel disheartened that someone I was moved to laugh at could have so much heart.

Just have to learn when to shut up, when to listen... and when to pray


Anvil photos (color) by Brent J. Craig


Hey Mernitman - Do I ever identify with that last sentence!
Great post.


Have I been Anvil? Most definitely. Although I was never as successful as you, Billy, I also made a reasonable living as a musician until I hit my second act turning point--i.e. turned 30-years-old--and, as you say, gave up the rock'n'roll ghost and changed jobs to insure survival. (As an aside, the "maestro" moniker is a holdover from my former life, given to me as a friendly "dig" by my bandmates because I was the only one of us who had a formal music education--my BA is in music composition.)

But I guess you could say that I'm also Anvil now since I have a day job, but continue to satisfy my creative urges through screenwriting (which is what drew me to your screenwriting book, classes and blog; although I'm not as successful as you in this endeavor, either).

And since I've used the term, I guess I should offer a definition... "What is success?" To me, at the most basic level, a person is successful if s/he is paying the bills by doing whatever it is s/he is doing. Based on that, I agree with you that Anvil's perseverance is about to pay off in that they are about to become a successful metal band. It follows, then, that labeling them as a "failed heavy-metal band" was at best premature. "Yet to be successful metal band" would have been more apropos.

Former successful musician, currently successful computer geek, and yet to be successful screenwriter - Mark


J: Always happy to get some respect.

Bob: It is! It is!!!

Keep on rockin' EC.

Chris: You're the second person to compare this to "American Movie," which I've never seen but now surely will.

BJC: Omission corrected and apologized for.

Thank you, Ms. B.

Maestro Mark: Thank you for the comment -- heart and soul of rock'n'roll, dude.

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