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Billy, thank you for all the wonderful posts over the years. Best of luck with your 2nd novel.

For what it's worth, I think you're absolutely making the right call. I've been on a blog hiatus myself for the last couple of weeks, and it's amazing how much more work I've been able to get done on my current script.

Wishing you all the best!


Well, I'm both sad and happy. Sad for me, happy for you. I blogged from 2001 until 2007. I spent far too much time working on the blog and it was a relief to let that overhead go. You are making the right decision. Also, it may have been easier to fit a blog in when you weren't married. :-)

E.C. Henry

Thanks for all the blog posts, Billy. Always enjoyed reading what you had to say. Will miss reading your posts. Hope the 2nd novel goes well for you.

- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA



I'm going to miss you hardcore. You're so normal...

Check in to my little place in cyberspace when you can...

And gl on the book!

James Patrick Joyce

Wow. On June 24, "Dead Things on Sticks" (a Canadian pro screenwriter's blog) ceased because work is taking the writer to LA. Now, you.

It sucks, but only because I like your blog.

Here's hoping you and the muse experience a long and satisfying relationship.


Well, dang. Happy trails and all that.


Noooooooooooo! But really: Yes, of course - a hiatus makes perfect sense and I wish you all the best novel-writing mojo. Your blog is top-notch, so I'm glad it's "au revoir" instead of "goodbye forever, infernal internet." I'll miss regular updates, but I'm glad you're making time where you can for your novel. (which will be wonderful, I have no doubt.)


Thank you, Trevor - I'm happy to hear that my theory's already being borne out. Good luck with yours.

Christina: You're so right and I can't believe I didn't mention marriage in my litany... Next time in San Francisco, eh?

E.C. - You have been the rock of Living the RomCom, so thank you for all of your support. I hope your summer brings good things.

Thank you J, I will check in, of course!

James, thank you so much for your muse wishes. She's been good to me before, so I'm trying to be very very good for her...

Dang indeed, Patrick, until we meet again.

Jen: I knooooooooow!!! I will be popping up at "Law," meanwhile, with infernal regularity, no doubt (the flowers there are positively psychedelic).

Christian H.

Don't think I would try to categorize your posts as they all are equally helpful, but I look forward to further discourse in the coming year.


Missing you already Billy. You´ve been a humorous and thoughtful guide to me and a lot of other writers through the years - thanks, and good luck with your second book!



Ah, Mr. Mernit. As much as I have loved your blogs - and have re-read and forwarded them - you are making the right decision! Wishing you all the best on this new chapter, and heck, I hope I'll be seeing you on the Left Coast again soon. Looks like a move is


Best wishes, Billy. Has always been a pleasure to read you, and will look forward to novel #2!

Scott M

You will be missed.


Good luck, Billy! We'll see you on the other side.

And hopefully run into you sooner.

All the best.


Back at you, Christian.

Thank you, Kathrin, and may your projects prosper.

Binnie: Woa, alert the media - you'll hold onto your longtime digs (sublet?), I trust.

Blake: Thank you, sir - I have your story bookmarked and ready for a read - congrats, btw, on getting it up on that site!

Scott M: Don't get me all teared up, now...

Thanks, BHurn - although "the other side" sounds unintentionally ominous - I hope to run into you on this one, too.

Simone White

thank you for all your great blog posts billy! I've really enjoyed your writing here and I'm glad you're leaving it for MORE writing! best of all things good to you and much flowing creative juices! xsimone


you know how to do the blog thing Billy and I'll continue to learn from your site---even if there's not much new material! Good decision, good luck, and I look forward to occasional news of your progress with the novel. See you soon I hope.


Dear Billy~

Cheers as you embark on another adventure!

Best wishes for your novel and thank you for your friendship and wonderful guidance through this blog and your other works.

All the best.


Will miss you Billy.

Best wishes for your 2nd novel. I have enjoyed your blogs. Your writing is not only entertaining but much more. Over the last year and half, it has guided and inspired me.

Good luck and all the best wishes.


thank you simone! i'll strive to keep those juices mostly organic.

Thank you, Dr. Mythology! I'll certainly be tracking your blog, and certainly we'll see you this summer.

Scribe, thanks for the good wishes. I'll be sure to pop up at your site when I need the perfect procrastination place.

RG: Thank you so much for telling me that - I'm honored to have been a part of your work process.

Tom Green

Enjoy the novel writing, Billy. And thanks for the blog - it has been one of my few must-reads :-)


Oh, no! I only read two blogs. Oh, dear. I don't even know how to express my regret. I suppose I will take this in. Go throw myself about and weep and wail.

Your blog is of such a high caliber that I have wondered how you do it all. Well, of course, you are no rubber band, Mernitman...

All my best to you and your second novel. I look forward to reading it. (I enjoyed the first and also look forward to that movie.)

Script Demon

Whatever you do, Billy, PLEASE KEEP THIS BLOG ALIVE. I mean, don't delete it. I have so much reading to catch up on. Your advice and invaluable information have been amazing - indispensable! l have just revived my own blog after my own little hiatus. I welcome your readers to visit:

Joanna Farnsworth

Well, Billy, I'm NOT leaving you! This is the ONLY blog I read.

So I'll use your hiatus as a reason to read everything all over again.

Come on Living Rom-Commers, support our man. He's posted some great stuff that can be re-visited.

Billy, get back to us when you can, or want to, or need a rant, or a scream, or shoulders to cry on.

We'll be here. Good-bye doesn't mean forever...


1 - Thanks for the writing and happy 5th blogoversary.

2 - Best wishes for your 2nd novel.

Keep this blog alive. You'll be missed!

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