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« A Third Way to Love | Main | Archetypes: The Manic Pixie Dream Girl »


Cantara Christopher

You forgot The Clock--1945, directed by Vincent Minnelli, with Judy Garland and Robert Walker.


Cantara: OMG, yes - a classic! Thank you for reminding. In fact, so essential to the genre that I'm going back in, to reference it (hope you don't mind a credit).


In a much less obvious way, LO takes place with the ensemble cast of "American Graffiti."


I like that, Stephanie - real love, mostly unqualified - being muttered and sideswept and finally horseplayed into what feels, in this long night, like a surprisingly sincere shared affection among regular guys...


I've always been a sucker for LO movies (or L-over-a-week-or-other-impossibly-short-amount-of-time), but I never know how to think about them. It's so clear that these characters really do connect (see: The Clock and Before Sunrise), but that in real life, such things DO NOT HAPPEN (or are fantasies that don't last). How do we hopeless-but-realistic romantics reconcile our practical sides to these films?

Debra Montoya

Moonstruck. (Although I think true love took at least two nights in that one!)


Jamy: That is the question. I'm actually in the midst of trying to write a book about that, along with some other pressing questions...

Y'know Debra I mused on Moonstruck, deciding to set it aside because it transcribes a slightly longer time span (i think it may be roughly 3 days?), but it's definitely an LO movie in spirit.

Terri Osburn

Would One Fine Day count? Though it's never totally clear if that's a HEA or they have a fight the next day and never see each other again. :)


Terri: No, you're spot on - ONE is definitely an LO pic.

christian comedian

I like romantic comedy. It's comedy with a drop of romance in it. Also, because it involves male and females both it is more entertaining to the public.

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