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« The 9th Annual Asta Awards | Main | Rom-Com Unrealities, Redux »


Scott Ware

Your. Blog. Matters.

E.C. Henry

AWESOME post, Billy. Everyone should read it. Too cool Gina's reaction to one of your posts was to make some changes which resulted in a blessing coming to her marriage. You opened yourself up, and the unexpected happened -- in a good way!

So sorry that your agent didn't react favorably to your hard work doing a follow-up to "Writing the Romantic Comedy". I love that book and continue to this day to go back and re-read sections of it. How to books are so important to writers because they give us a baseline for discussion, and foundational principles for dealing with other creatives. I understand the mass populus may not be interested in how to write rom-com book, but there are some of us who are interested, namely me!

Anyway, I hope you continue to get cool stories like Ginas in the future, Billy. That's really heartwarming.

- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake,WA

Walter Biggins

Billy, thanks so much for this, which I especially need now, during a crummy depressive spell in my own (non)work. Our work matters, even if not in the ways we intend or the ways we prefer.

Michael Maupin

Yes. THIS. :-)


Thank you, Scott - Your comments matter.

Thanks, EC - Glad you liked.

Walter: You're so welcome. That's a response that proves my (our) point!


Great story.

Tony Conniff

Well said, Billy!

Sue Hepworth

This is so moving, Billy. Thank you for sharing it.
It's also very encouraging and comes at just the right time for me in my writing life - a time of wondering what is the point of continuing. Bless you.




Michael,Christina,Tony, and Tiago: Thanks, folks! Happy to be read.

Sue: So glad the piece found you at the time it did.

Barbara Abercrombie

You've been peering into my head. What an amazing post - and story! xxoo


Needed this today! Really, perfect timing, Billy :) Thank you so much for such an inspirational article.


Barbara: Hope said head is clear and working well. Thanks for the (!).

Billie: Happy to be of service.

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