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« Neo-Rom-Com Rules #2 | Main | Scarjo's Heroine 2.0 »



No desire to see the movie for these reasons. Doesn't look funny, and parodying something that's past its prime.

Currer Bell

I watched on the couch with my hubs and we came to the decision that they were really trying to make a bad movie and had no desire to actually entertain.

A movie should entertain you whether you are sitting on your couch or in a crowded movie theater.


Londonmable: There you are and there you have it.

Currer Bell: Agreed (though some movies do play better for big theater audiences than others). Meanwhile, I don't think they set out "not to entertain" (the producers did, after all, hope to make money with this), but you've put your finger on that primary problem: if you're making fun of "bad movies" by imitating them, how do you avoid simply becoming what you've beheld - another bad movie?

Jeff Takacs

Aren't the best romcoms also inherently serious? Harry and Sally are flirting with serious loneliness (from a writer who knows about Heartburn!). Even "It's Complicated" (not a classic of the genre, in my opinion) deals to some extent with the break-up of a family.

I haven't seen "They Came...", but it looks like they are parodying the wrapping paper rather than the gift itself. That's what Funny or Die and SNL are for. A feature-length version of this seems like an admission of imaginative defeat.


Jeff: True and astute observation, and nicely put: Parodying the wrapping paper instead of the gift, indeed!

Jeff Takacs

In a way, "Her" WAS a parody of a rom com, and ended up being a romcom at the same time. Hmmm, hadn't thought of this before. You're always making us think, Billy.


Agreed, Jeff - I look at Her that way, and a variation on the "tacit parody" idea can be found in both Shaun of the Dead and the more recent Warm Bodies (and for that matter, Truly, Madly, Deeply, back in the day). Life After Beth looks to abide by the same principle: you parody something (the right way) by observing the parodied-subject's form and concerns... while putting something (protagonist and/or plot twist) that's decidedly NOT that form's usual focus, front and center.


Life After Beth sounds a bit like My Boyfriend's Back (1993).


Daniel: Why, yes, it does. Thanks for drawing my attention to this movie I totally missed (w/Phillip Seymour Hoffman, no less?!).

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