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E.C. Henry

Yay, Billy Mernit is still ALIVE! Was starting to wonder... We're still on for a 2014 version of the ASTA Awards, right?

Love rule #8, that's where I'm at in my writing life right now. Editing a 1,400 + page epic fantasy novel, and it's STILL GROWING! Love the information dump, I think it does add to a character's complexity and empathy.

Anyway, hope fun things are on your plate these days, Billy. And not projects of drudgery, but labors of love that make the time go by sweetly.

Sharon W

Billy -
You and Kurt together make a great team! Clear, concise and not wasting anyone's time!


Hello EC! Yes, we're still on for the Astas. Thank you for your supportive thoughts.

I've had to neglect the blog for the past couple of months because I took on some rewrite work, which, along with a full teaching load, filled up all of my available extra writing time. Now things are a bit less hectic, so I hope to get back to more regular posting.

Glad to hear you're enjoying your Still Growing novel work - sounds epic indeed!

Hi Sharon: You are too kind. Thanks for reading "us" and commenting! xx B.

Roland Denzel

Even a blog writer can benefit from the concepts. Make every sentence count. Don't waste the readers time.

Great stuff, thanks for this!

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