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« The "Best" Romantic Comedies | Main | Love Wins »


Bradford Richardson

Shane Black, has an uncanny ability to write absolutely authentic characters with compelling flaws which screw-up the pursuit of their goal.

Billy, fingers crossed for 1 million hits for you!


BR: Very true of Mr. Black's work. Thanks for the support!

Karen Bartelt

Took your class 20 years ago! Congrats!



This was probably my favorite post of yours, so it's fitting that you put it as your milestone anniversary post. I'm kicking myself for missing that class. You had mentioned in a past blog comment section that you were going to look back at your notes for Shane Black and consider writing more about what was said in that class.... did you ever write that? I tried to google and scroll, but don't know if I missed it.


Paul, I never did go back and get those notes together. Apologies. Life rushes on...

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